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Concert Series Update - Music Ministry, November 2024

We’ve gotten off to a great start! Our first couple of concerts have been fairly well attended and very much enjoyed. We would love to see crowds grow, and for more folks in our community, outside our church, begin to support the series in whatever ways they can. So our job now is to continue to spread the word, and invite others to experience this wonderful music. We are running our bus to and from Concordia for concerts so that as many people as possible can experience this great music! If you have ideas to help, please talk with Dan.

NEXT CONCERT – Bluegrass Band on Sunday, November 3 at 4:00 pm

Bluegrass String Band "Sweaty Already" will perform Sunday, November 3rd at 4:00 pm. Sweaty Already has played some of the nation's largest festival stages, and should bring a great show! They play a blend of traditional and modern bluegrass, along with some unexpected covers and original tunes steeped in the tradition of the Appalachian region where they all grew up. It's totally FREE to attend! More info at Follow on facebook at See you Sunday, November 3rd for some great Bluegrass!

WHAT’S NEXT? - Get the Word Out!

As a church community, the biggest task we have ahead of us in starting anything new is spreading the word. We need to get people informed and excited to attend these concerts. We have a page on our website, and a special facebook page just for this. Please go “Like” and “Follow” that page on facebook! That is by far the easiest and biggest way to increase our reach to more people. You can also take flyers to hang up near and far, share social media posts, call your friends and neighbors to invite them – whatever you can do!


A lofty goal of this project is to keep these concerts FREE to attend so that EVERYONE in our community can have access to high quality musical experiences. This will require continued financial support, reaching beyond our current church membership. If you have any connection to organizations and businesses you think may be interested to support this kind of community oriented programming, please reach out to Dan with that information right away. Though our church will be the host, this type of event series has potential to benefit our entire community in a meaningful way. It is the hope that this evolves into a real partnership between our church and our community.

This is an exciting new venture for our church. PLEASE PRAY for the Lord to guide and direct efforts here. In His name, and for His glory – let’s do it!



Director of Music Ministry



SMPC is a Presbyterian Church seeking to shine the light of Jesus Christ; to discover, experience, and share His love with our community and world.


​100 West Main Street

P.O. Box 466

Saxonburg, PA 16056


© 2025 Saxonburg Memorial Presbyterian Church.

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